Jumat, 15 Maret 2019

Brands of crush gear

Various brands of crush gear

Here are some brands that produce crush gear. A little information that this crush gear is Originally produced by BANDAI. Sold with Box (MIB)

BANDAI : Is a company that has a license for Crush Gear . have the best plastic material. Color Like anime but has the most expensive price compared to others

JIADA : details are ok approaching Ori, unfortunately some parts are easy to loose especially for starters. such parts, for example chassis, where the battery box section is less snapfit with the body also part of the Front Weapon and Rear Weapon connectors which also lack snapfit with FW and RW.

Gold Seagul : sturdy and have snapfit part but the details are not good, the hook portion of the brittle chassis is easily broken if the handling is wrong. But the dynamism is the dynamo with the highest rpm among the dynamos of other brands.

5 star: the details are okay and pretty strong and precise but the plastic material is not good enough.Sold with Box (MIB)

Shuang xing : the details are not good. usually there is no ver box or loosepack, the chassis in the hook is easily broken if not careful handling it. the wheel of all CGs is the dino spartan wheel. Dynamo has a small torque. the body of the front hook is also vulnerable. the positive cg this brand can be used as mutilan. for example: gearset, shaft, contents in dynamos, weapons, bumpers and
wheels are also still suitable for use.

Porchepo : darker color detail, ver box only and Bad plastic material prone to breaking here and there

Hong Jia : The Quality Looks Like Shuang xing . Sold without box

 Guida : The details are not good , The Quality like 5 Star. Sold with Box (MIB)

Aomiao : The details are not good , The Quality like 5 Star. Sold with Box (MIB)

Yi fan : The Quality Below 5 Star, Sold with Box (MIB)

(source: https://www.facebook.com/notes/gear-fight-indonesia/faq-frequently-asked-questions- frequently-asked questions- asked/322296151253461 , Author’s View, Google Image)

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